(NAAC Accredited with A+)

Key Indicator 3.1 - Resource Mobilization for Research


List of full-time teacher during the last five years.

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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Copies of Guideship letters or authorization of research guide provide by the university

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Any additional information

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Link for Additional Information

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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Fellowship award letter / grant letter from the funding agency

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E-copies of the award letters of the teachers

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Any additional information

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Link for Additional Information

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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E-copies of the grant award letters for research projects sponsored by Government, industries and non-government sources such as industries, corporate houses etc

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Any additional information

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Link for funding agencies websites

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Link for Additional Information

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Key Indicator 3.2- Innovation Ecosystem



Link for details of the facilities and innovations made

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Link for any other relevant information

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Report of the workshops/seminars with photos

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Institutional data in prescribed format


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Any additional information


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Link for Additional Information


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Key Indicator 3.3- Research Publications and Awards



Share the code of ethics of research clearly stating the claims of the institution duly signed by the Head of the Institution

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Institutional data in prescribed forma

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Any additional information

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Link for Additional Information

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PhD/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree Award letters of students (with guide’s name mentioned)

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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Any additional information

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Link for any additional information

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Institutional data in prescribed forma

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Any additional information

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Web-link provided by institution in the template which redirects to the journal webpage published in UGC notified list

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Link for Additional Information

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List of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published with ISBN and ISSN number and papers in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during the last five years

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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Any additional information

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Link for additional Information

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Key Indicator 3.4 - Extension Activities


Photographs or any supporting document in relevance

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List of students in NSS/NCC/Red Cross/YRC involved in the extension and outreach activities year-wise during the last five years

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program should be made available, with specific mention of number of students and collaborating agency participated

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Any additional information

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Link for Additional Information

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Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Detailed program report for each extension and outreach program should be made available, with specific mention of number of students and collaborating agency participated and amount generated Photographs or any supporting document in relevance

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Any additional information

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Link for additional information

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Link for list of awards for extension activities in the last 5 year

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Link for e-copies of the award letters

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Link for any other relevant information

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Any additional information

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Link for details of Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community during the last 5 years

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Link for any other relevant information

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Key Indicator - 3.5 Collaboration


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Documentary evidence/agreement in support of


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Certified copies of collaboration documents and

exchange visits

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Any other Information

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Link for Additional Information

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Institutional data in prescribed format

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E-copies of the MoU’s with institution/ industry/

corporate house, Indicating the start date and

completion date

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Any additional information

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Link for additional information

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