(NAAC Accredited with A+)

MET Activities 2018


CME on “ Recent Vaccine Preventable Diseases”

Dept. of PSM

Opportunities of Educational Research in Health Professional

Institutes VSPM College of Nursing

Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) for First MBBS 2017 Batch

Dept. involved Medicine, OBGY & Surgery

Human First “ Communication Skill Workshop” for PG students of SVGMC Yavatmal

Dr. Suresh Chari, Dr. Neena Nagdeo & Dr. Madhur Gupta

CME on “ Hypertension” Dept. of Medicine

CME on “ Palliative Care” of Medicine

Horizontal Integrated Teaching “ Thyroid” for I MBBS Students

Dept. of Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry

Guest Lecture “ Flow cyclometer”

Dept. of Pathology

Expressions” a first ever National Inter Medical College

Power Point (PPT) & Presentation Skills Competition for PG Students.

Release of Splash ” quarterly Campus news letter

Dr. Kalpana Date, Dr Anagha Sahasrabuddhe

OSPE “ Cytology” for PG Students

Dept. of Pathology

OSPE “ Haemtology” for PG students Dept. of Pathology

Guest Lecture “ ERAS Protocols and Desflurane”

Faculty Dr. Vaishli Shelgonkar Dept. of Anesthesiology

Guest Lecture “ Management of Autistic spectrum of disorders & other Developmental disabilities”

Faculty: Dr. Jay Salpekar Dept. of Paediatric

Launched e portal LRM

Resident as Teacher – Basic Workshop in Educational Methodology

Residents of VSPM College of Physiotherapy

Syndicate Seminar on Diet in health and disease Dept. of Medicine

Syndicate Seminar “ Introduction & Legal Procedure”

ABCD 2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

MUHS Recognised 3 days Basic Course in Health Professional

Education for Ayurved & Dental Nagpur Regional Centre

Syndicate Seminar “Medical law & ethics” 2016 Batch

Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Medical law & ethics” 2016 Batch

Dept. of FMT

NCHPE 18 Website Lunching

MCI Recognised 5th Revised Basic Course in MET for NKPSIMS Teachers

Workshop “ Practical Skill”

Dept. of OBGY

Syndicate Seminar “Identification” 2016 Batch

Dept. of FMT

Workshop “ Practical Skill”

Dept. of OBGY

Syndicate Seminar “ Medico-legal autopsy”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Death & its cause”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Communication Skill for IInd MBBS Students – Part II

PG Skill Development Workshop “ Suture Practicum” Dept of Surgery

Guest Lecture “Anesthesia Machine – from basic to Advanced” Dept of Anesthesiology

Workshop “Stappler’s in Surgery”

Dept of Surgery



Syndicate Seminar “ Mechanical injuries”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Workshop on “ Practical Skill”

Dept. of OBGY

Release of Reflection

Syndicate Seminar “ Mechanical injuries”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Mechanical injuries”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Regional injury”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Regional injury”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Workshop “Practical Skill”

Dept. of OBGY

Syndicate Seminar “ Medico-legal aspects of wounds” 2016 Batch

Dept. of FMT

Guest Lecture “ Corneal Topography”

Speaker: Dr. Nikhil Kandurwar Dept. of Ophthalmology

A half day workshop on Integrated Teaching for the Teachers of Suretech College of Nursing Nagpur

Syndicate Seminar “ Thermal deaths”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Mechanical Asphyxia”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Back to Basics – Clinical Workshop

Dept. of Ophthalmology

Workshop on “ AFP+Mesles/Rubella +AEFI Surveillance and immumization Dept. of Paediatric

Syndicate Seminar “ Mechanical Asphyxia”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Guest Lecture “ Interesting cases in Endocrinology Speaker Dr. Sunil Ambulkar

Dept. of Medicine

National Plastic Surgery Day 2018 “ Improve Burn Care: Together we can” Dept. of Plastic Surgery

School Children of XI & X std BVM Aasthi Branch visit the institute as a science project

“World Hepatitis Day” lecture on Approach to Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C Dept. of Medicine

Syndicate Seminar “ Toxicology: General considerations”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

CME on “ Tropical Infection”

Dept. of Medicine

CME on “ Overview of Gynecological Cancers”

Dept. of OBGY

MUHS Recognised 3 days Basic Course in Health Professional

Education for Ayurved & Dental Nagpur Regional Centre

Syndicate Seminar “ Agricultural & Corrosive poisons”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

A-Z of ROP: Integrated CME cum Hand-on Workshop Dept. of Ophthalmology

PG Orientation Programme 2018

PG Cell

Syndicate Seminar “ Impotence & Sterility, Virginity, Pregnancy &

Delivery” 2016 Batch Dept. of FMT


Zero Ragging Wall” Anti Ragging Painting Competition

(UG & PG students, Teaching & Non teaching staff)

Anubandh Mentorship Programme Ist MBBS 2018 Batch

Guest Lecture “ Living a Happy Life: By Life Management”

Speaker: Vishwas Vaishnav, Motivational Speaker

Syndicate Seminar “ Abortion & Infanticide”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

OSPE on “ Carbohydrate” of Ist MBBS Students

Dept. of Biochemistry

Syndicate Seminar “ Sexual Offences”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Guest Lecture “ Lymphoma”

Speaker: Dr. Patwardhan (Oncologist) Dept. of Medicine

CME on “Osteoporosis”

Dept. of Orthopedics

Syndicate Seminar “ Metallic Poisons & Inorganic irritant poisons”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Organic irritant poisons”

2016 Batch Dept. of FMT

Guest Lecture “Health cure by Lifestyle Modification”

Speaker: Dr. Gopal Shastri, Director (IASS) Dept. of FMT

Syndicate Seminar “ Plasma Proteins” for Ist MBBS Students

Dept. of Biochemistry

Workshop on “ Palliative care” Dept. of Medicine

Students Seminar “ Diagnostics Enzymology” for Ist MBBS Students

Dept. of Biochemistry

Guest Lecture “ Cross- Cultural Consideration: Planning for a Successful Professional Life

Faculty: Dr. Sudhir Bansod ( Osho Disciple & Phamocovigilance Expert Zurich, Switzerland)

Dept. of MET

National Conference on Health Professions Education (NCHPE 2018)

& MUHS State level HSET Research Conference at NKPSIM & RC Nagpur

Pre Conference Workshop “ Brainstorming Sessions for NKPSIMS


Topic “Theatre of the Oppressed: The Road to Empathy” Dr. Sushil Gawande

Training Session on “ Hospitality in Hospital for Nursing Staff

OSPE “ Cross matching by tube method” for PG Students
Dept. of Pathology

Skill Lab Training for PG Students
Dept. of Surgery

Workshop on “ Knotting & Sutureing technique” for PG Student
Dept. of Orthopedics

CME “ 5 part Haematology Analyzer”
Dept. of Pathology

Workshop on “ Tendons Repair” for PG Students
Dept. of Orthopedics

OSPE “Clinical examination of CVS” for Ist MBBS Students
Dept of Physiology

Skill Lab Training “ Johnson & Johnson Institute on Wheel Based” for
PG Students
Dept. of Surgery

Syndicate Seminar “Cardiac Output methods of Measurement”
For Ist BDS Students
Dept of Physiology

Guest lecture on Chronic post operative pain
Speaker: Dr Pradeep Desai
Dept. of Anesthesiology