Live Workshop On Fetal Echo [23rd September 2022]
The workshop was organised by department of Radiodiagnosis NKPSIMS & RC and LMH Nagpur in association with VIDRAD on 23rd SEPTEMBER 2022.
This programme was graced by presence of Dr. Kajal Mitra (Dean NKPSIMS), Dr.AvinashDhok (Prof and HOD Radiodiagnosis department), Dr.Prashant Onkar (professor), Dr. Deepali Kadam (Professor), Dr.Jeetendra sahu(Assistent professor)
Faculties for workshop –Dr.Prashant Onkar (Associate professor), Dr. Deepali Kadam (Professor), Dr.Jeetendra sahu(Assistent professor).
The activities and highlight
Fetal echo workshop was conducted for continuing learning for postgraduate students and also helpful for start-up consultants regarding fetal echo focusing mainly on demonstration of practical tips, techniques, how to avoid pitfalls and hands on experience on simulators..
Friday (23/09/2022) session was inaugurated by Dr. Kajal Mitra Dean NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur, Dr. AvinashDhok (Prof and HOD Radiodiagnosis department),
Workshop commenced with a presentation and brief explanation on fetal echo, which included its indications, basic techniques of using probe and types of flow.
Live demonstration with detailed description of fetal echo by Dr. Jeetendra sahu ,Dr. Deepali Kadam done including demonstration of techniques, how to avoid complications, how to do self-learning was performed on simulators.
This was a unique event as there were not only theoretical lectures but also live demonstrations and hands on training. Everything including normal and abnormal Echo was explained and taught through live workshop and with the help of the simulator in the sessions. In the 2nd half of session participants were divided into four different groups for live hands on experience on different USG machines on cases as well as on simulator. Each and every participant had to obtain all the Echo views one by one as well as go through the abnormal cases in the simulator.
All the participants were given line diagram for labelling of fetal echo sections also there was quiz of 50 pathological diagram which were discussed and answered in final session of the programme.
Workshop concluded with faculty discussing different pathological conditions and quiz solving queries of delegates.
All faculties and students enjoyed the workshop.
Professor and HOD
Dept. Of Radiodiagnosis