(NAAC Accredited with A+)

Key Indicator- 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile



Institutional data in prescribed forma

View Link

Final admission list published by the HEI

View Link

Copy of letter issued by state govt. or and Central Government (which-ever applicable) Indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the GO rule (translated in English)

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Annual Report/ BOM report/ Admission report duly certified by the Head of the Institution.

View Link

Admission extract submitted to the state OBC, SC and ST cell every year.

View Link

Link for Any other relevant information

View Link



The details certified by the Head of the Institution clearly mentioning the programs that are not covered under CET and the number of applications received for the same

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Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Any other relevant information

View Link



List of students enrolled from other states yearwise during the last 5 years

View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

E-copies of admission letters of the students enrolled from other states

View Link

Copy of the domicile certificate as part of the from other states and countries and/or Previous degree/Matriculation / HSC certificate from other state or country

View Link

Any other relevant information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Criteria to identify slow performers and advanced learners and assessment methodology

View Link

Consolidated report of special programs for advanced learners and slow learners duly attested by the Head of the Institution

View Link

Any other information

View Link

Link for any relevant information

View Link


List of students enrolled in the preceding academic year

View Link

List of full time teachers in the preceding academic year in the University Institutional data in prescribed format (data Templates)

View Link

Institutional Data in Prescribed Format (Data Template)

View Link

Other Upload Files 1

View Link


Link for Appropriate documentary evidence

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.3. Teaching- Learning Process


Link for learning environment facilities with geotagging

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link


Report on training programmes in Clinical skill lab/simulator Centre

View Link

Proof of patient simulators for simulation-based training

View Link

Proof of Establishment of Clinical Skill Laboratories

View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Geotagged Photos of the Clinical Skills Laboratory

View Link

Details of training programs conducted and details of participants.

View Link

Any other relevant information

View Link

Link for additional information

View Link


File for list of teachers using ICT-enabled tools (including LMS)

View Link

File for details of ICT-enabled tools used for teaching and learning

View Link

Link for webpage describing the “LMS/Academic Management System”

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link


Log Book of mentor

View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Copy of circular pertaining the details of mentor and their allotted mentees Approved Mentor list as announced by the HEI Allotment order of mentor to mentee

View Link

Approved Mentor list as announced by the HEI  Allotment order of mentor to mentee

View Link

Any other relevant information

View Link

Link for any other information

View Link


Link for appropriate documentary evidence

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality


Sanction letters indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority (in English/translated in English)

View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Links for additional information

View Link


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Copies of Guideship letters or authorization of

research guide provide by the the university

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Link for additional information

View Link


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Consolidated Experience certificate duly certified

by the Head of the institution

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Link for additional information

View Link


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Certificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of e-contents / ecourses / video lectures / demonstrations

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty

hosted in the HEI’s website

View Link

Link for additional information

View Link


Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

e-Copies of award letters (scanned or soft copy) for


View Link

Awards claimed without certificates will not be


View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Link to additional information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms


Link for dates of conduct of internal assessment


View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link

Link for academic calendar

View Link


File for number of grievances regarding University

examinations/Internal Evaluation

View Link

File for details of University examinations /Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIE) conducted during the last five years

View Link

File for any other relevant information

View Link


Link for Information on examination reforms

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link

Other Upload Files 1

View Link

Other Upload Files 2

View Link

Other Upload Files 3

View Link


Re-test and Answer sheets

View Link

Policy document of the options claimed by the

institution duly signed by the Head of the


View Link

Policy document of midcourse improvement of

performance of students

View Link

List of opportunities provided for the students for

midcourse improvement of performance in the


View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Links for additional information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome


Link for upload Course Outcomes for all courses

(exemplars from Glossary)

View Link

Link for relevant documents pertaining to learning outcomes and graduate attributes

View Link

Link for methods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link


Trend analysis for the last five years in graphical Form

View Link

Reports from Controller of Exam (COE) office/Registrar evaluation mentioning the relevant details and the result analysis performed by the institution duly attested by the Head of the Institution

View Link

List of Programmes and the number of students passed and appeared in the final year examination each year for the last five years.

View Link

Institutional data in prescribed format

View Link

Any additional information

View Link

Links for additional information

View Link

Link for the annual report of examination results as placed before BoM/ Syndicate/ Governing Council for the last five years.

View Link


Link for programme-specific learning outcomes

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link


Link for proceedings of parent –teachers meetings held during the last 5 years

View Link

Link for follow up reports on the action taken and outcome analysis.

View Link

Link for any other relevant information

View Link

Key Indicator- 2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey



Database of all currently enrolled students (Data Template)

View Link

Any other relevant information

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