NAAC Accredited with A+, CGPA 3.39

Alumni activities 21-22

Guest lecture on “Unheard Struggles of Medical Residents – A Temporary Burnout or Depression”

Unheard Struggles of Medical Residents – A Temporary Burnout
or Depression. The alumni Association NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur aptly organized a lecture and an open forum for discussion, on burnout/ depression in Medical Residents on 30/11/21. The speaker was a PG alumnus and now a renowned Psychiatrist in Nagpur Dr. Pritam Chandak. His talk explicitly covered the causes and different ways of dealing with depression. Dean Dr. Kajal Mitra highlighted the importance of the mentor-mentee program of the institute. Dr. Vilas Thombre, Vice Dean (Academic); Dr. Nitin Deosthale, Vice Dean (Clinical) and Dr.Sushil Gawande, Prof. of Psychiatry congratulated Dr. Pritam Chandak for the presentation. Dr.Mohana Majumdar, Director (General Administration), Dr. Sushrut Fulare, Dr. Arti Kasulkar and Dr. Shilpa Hajare were the organizers.


Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur


Book Donation to the library

 Alumni i.e. Dr. Deveshree Nikose, Dr. Abhishek Mankar and Dr. Vismay Harkare donated 33 Books to the central library for the undergraduate students on 7/1/22.


Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur


Guest lecture on ‘Eye Bank and Keratoplasty’

Alumni association, NKP Salve Institute of medical Sciences & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital organized a lecture by our Alumnus. Dr Shadab Khan,MBBS, DOMS, DNB,FCRS, FICO, MRCS(Ed), MNAMS , a UG alumnus of 2005 batch delivered a lecture on ‘Eye Bank and Keratoplasty’ on 7th September 2021 on occasion of Eye Donation Fortnight is observed from 25th August to 8th September every year. Students of 2019 batch attended the lecture along with the PG students of Ophthalmology department. The event was conducted in collaboration with Ophthalmology department under the guidance of Dr Rekha Khandelwal, Prof. & HOD, Ophthalmology. Dr Mohana Majumdar coordinated the event with the help of Dr Shilpa Hajare and Dr Rakhi Ambade.






Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur



Silver Jubilee Celebration 1997 Batch


2021 was the silver jubilee year for the 1997 batch. For the celebrations, 20 students from the batch visited the institute on 11th December 2021. After having a round in the key areas of the campus especially the hostel, library and student section. A small get-together was organized at amphitheater by Alumni Association. The alumni from the batch had a tete-a-tete with their teachers including the Dean, Vice-Dean, Dr. Mundle, Dr. Bhave and many senior teachers. A sumptuous brunch was followed by cake cutting. The student then shared some memories which filled the air with laughter. Whilst the Dean, presented a personalized memento to each alumnus, the alumni batch presented a small token of gratitude to the teachers.

Guest lecture on ‘Sono-embryology’

Alumni Association, NKPSIMS & RC and LMH organized a lecture on 13th October, 2021. Dr Jitendra Sahu, Consultant Fetal medicine, Nagpur fetal Medicine Centre, Nagpur; Consultant Radiologist Adishakti Imaging Centre and UG alumnus of 1991 batch was the guest speaker and delivered a lecture on ‘Sono-embryology’.  Dean, Dr Kajal Mitra, Vice Dean (clinical) Dr Nitin Deosthale, Prof.& HOD, Radiology, Dr Avinash Dhoke and Dir. Genaral Administration, Dr Mohana Majumdar graced the occasion. Dr Mitra highlighted the interesting points of Fetal Medicine. It was attended by 2020 batch students. Dr Rajesh Dehankar and Dr Mohana Majumdar were the organizers of the event.


Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur


Alumni Meet 2022 “Trail”

              The Alumni Association of N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur organized Annual Alumni Meet “Trail” on 3rd April 2022. The meet was conducted at ‘Matoshree Hall’ in the campus of the institute.  50 Alumni belonging to 1990 – 2014 batches registered and attended the meet. The meet began with the opening remarks by Dr. Mohana Mujumdar, Incharge Alumni Association followed by Dean’s address in which he extended the helping hand of institute for underprivileged patients attending the OPD of alumni. Respected Dean along with Dr. Mohana Majumdar, Incharge Alumni Association, Dr. Hasani, President Alumni Association and Dr. Walulkar, Treasurer Alumni Association presented memento to all the alumni as token of love from the institute. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Shilpa Hajare, Secretary Alumni Association. The alumni enjoyed the astounding theme decoration and the musical band. The function was followed by dinner. The event was organised by Dr. Rajesh Dehankar, Dr. Arti Kasulkar, Dr. Rakhee Ambade, Dr. Sushrut Fulare and Dr. Mahendra Chauhan.


   Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur


Guest lecture on “Soft Skills for PG Resident Doctors”

The alumni Association NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Digdoh Hills organized a guest lecture for Postgraduate students on the topic “Soft Skills for PG Resident Doctors”. The guest speaker was Dr. Abhijit Hazara, Consutltant Neurosurgeon, Royal Preston Hospital, UK and Alumni of NKPSIMS & RC and LMH. The guest lecture was conducted on 31st March 2022. The programme was organized and co-ordinated by Dr. Mohana Majumdar, Dr. Umesh Hassani, Dr. Shilpa Hajare and Dr. Sushrut Fulare.


Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur


Guest Lecture on “Career Avenues after MBBS”

Alumni Association of N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Digdoh organized a Guest Lecture on “Curricular Avenues after MBBS” by Dr. Umesh Hassani on 10th June 22 . The program was organized in the presence of Dr. Mohana Majumdar, Director, IQAC. Dr. Hassani addressed the interns about various opportunities after MBBS available in India as well as globally. Dr. Shilpa Hajare, Secretary, Alumni Association coordinated the program. Dr. Rajesh Dehankar, Dr. Arti Kasulkar, Dr. Sanjay Walulkar attended the session. The interns of 2017 batch benefited from this guest lecture.

Dr. Shilpa Hajare


Alumni Association


Guest Lecture on ‘Road Safety’

Road traffic accident is an important worldwide public health problem. What needs to be stressed is that it is preventable. With the surge of construction work in all corners of the city the traffic congestion is at its peak. This resulted in approximately 1000 road traffic accidents in Nagpur in 2021. The most vulnerable population is probably the youth of the country. Hence the Alumni association thought it apt to conduct an awareness drive for Road safety amongst the undergraduate students of NKPSIMS & RC and LMH on 28th June 22.

The speakers were invited from an NGO named Janakrosh who have been toiling and doing selfless service to humanity by creating awareness about the consequences of such horrific moments of life when we can lose our near and dear ones. Shri Ashok Karandikar, Shri Prakash Khandekar and Shri Ramesh Sahare from the NGO presented eye opening videos and presented the statistics of accidents in India. The undergraduate batch of 2020 attended the lecture.

Dr. Sushrut Fulare, co-ordinator of the program, Dr. Shilpa Hajare, Secretary Alumni association and Dr. Mohana Majumdar, Director General administration worked under the guidance of Dean NKPSIMS & RC and LMH, Dr. Kajal Mitra, to make this a successful event.





Alumni Association NKPSIMS & RC and LMH,Nagpur