NAAC Accredited with A+, CGPA 3.39

Activities 2018-2019

Annual report of programs organized by SWA team 2018-2019

Following were the committee members:-

Dr. Kajal Mitra

Patron Dean, NKPSIMS

Dr. Vilas Thombre


Dr. Suresh Chari


Dr. Kalpana date

 Chairperson SWA

Dr. Aniruddha Deoke

Co-Chairperson SWA

Dr. Anne Wilkinson

Incharge: Cultural Committee 

Dr. Sushrut Fulare

 Co-inchrage: Cultural Committee

Dr. Shubhada Gade

Incharge: Music committe

Dr. Rajesh Dehankar

Incharge: sports Committee

Dr. Arti Kasulkar

Incharge: Hobby-Lobby Committee

Dr. Sunanda Chaoji

 Co- Incharge: Hobby-Lobby Committee

Dr. Anagha Sahasrabuddhe

 Incharge: Debate and Publication Committee

Students Members:

 Mr. Mayur Aitwar (President SWA)                          

Miss.Aditi Modak(General Secretary)

Mr.RatneshWankhede(Vie President)

Miss.Sharvari Panse (Vice President)

Mr.Shubham Telang (Treasurer)

Mr. Kartik Gaikwad (Joint Secretary )

Mr. Sagar Sakure (Joint Secretary )

Mr. Suraj Karpe (Sports Secretary)


Mr. Sanket Ghuge( Sports secretary )

Miss.ShreeyaBalpande(Ladies Representative)

Miss.IshitaPashine(Ladies Representative) 

Mr.AnandaPesode(University representative)

Dr.AkshayDongardive(Interns Representative)

Dr.PranitaDharmadhikari(Pg Representative )

Class Representatives:

Mr. Ayush Agrawal (2015)

Mr. Shubham Purohit ( 2016)


Mr. Ashish Mahor (2017)

Mr. Rushikesh Mirge (2018)

The SWA of NKP Salve Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre held a graduation ceremony on 22nd August 2018 for MBBS student of 2013 batch 140 students proudly received their certificates in the presence of their parents, friends, teacher and head of departments and dignitaries.

The chief guest of this function was Shri. Ranjeet Deshmukh gave away awards to the outstanding students of the batch for academics. Vice Dean Dr. Vilas Thombare gave away the certificates following which students took the Hippocratic oath.

The winners of academic awards were Dr. Vaishnavi Adatiya, Dr. Poonam Juneja, Dr. Makrand Shegokar And winners of all rounder performances were awarded.

The SWA students, teachers and volunteers worked hard to make this event a success

On the occasion of teacher’s day SWA celebrated the day with great enthusiasm on 5th september 2018. All teachers were dressed in pink and black theme outfits.

Various games were conducted by the students. Ms. Sharvari Panse was students incharge of the event team of Mr. Ayush Agrawal and Mr. Kartik Gaikwad.

The teachers participated with zeal.

The installation ceremony of Mr. Mayur Aitwar as the president of SWA 18-19 and his team, was held on 11th September 2018 at the hand of Dr. Shrikhande, former dean of of IGGMC, Nagpur.

Chairman VSPMAHE, Shri Ranjeet Deshmukh and Dean NKPSIMS Dr. Kajal Mitra were the guest of honor.

Dr. Suresh Chari and Dr. Vilas Thombare were the advisors of the committee.Dr. Kalpana Date was installed as chairperson and Dr. Aniruddha Deoke as the co-chairperson. Ms. Aditi Modak as General Secretory, SWA 18-19. Dr. Anne Wilkinson, Dr. Sushrut Fulare, Dr. Shubhada Gade, Dr. Arti Kasulkar, Dr. Sunanda Chaoji, Dr. Anagha Sahasrabuddhe and Dr. Rajesh Dehankar were installed as teacher incharges of various committees.

The students with honours and those who had taken up ICMS and NKPSIMS research projects were felicitated by dignitaries.

In the memory of Late Shri Arvind Babu Deshmukh, father of chairman VSPMAHE, Shri Ranjeet Deshmukh, an intercollege debate was organised by SWA on 19th september. A total of 12 colleges participated. The topic was “ Smart work supercedes hardwork in the pursuit of success”.

The judges were Mrs. Piyali Kanabar and Dr. Anjali Bhandarkar.

It was held on 9th October 2018 and there were a lot of interactive games played between juniors and seniors.

It was held on 10th october 2018. Ms. Sanskriti Dorlikar was Miss Fresher and Harshal Agrawal was Mr. Fresher. Khushboo Kumari was Ms. Fresher Runnerup and Rushikesh Mirge was Mr. Fresher Runnerup. The theme was Masquerade theme. Students and teachers participated with enthusiasm.

India is a land of varied cultures and traditions. Taking the same concepts, every years IMA organises an Inter college folk dance competition on 26th January. Our college participated with a team of 20 students taking garba as a theme. Garba is a popular dance form of Gujrat.

Saraswati Pooja was organized on auspicious day of Vasant panchami. All the students and staff members both teaching and nonteaching dressed in yellow participated with enthusiasm.

The annual fest kick started in a energetic.

Day one of Josh 2019 was totally devoted to sports.

From 19th of February 2019 sports matches of various sports like football, basketball, cricket, badminton, swimming, carrom, table tennis and chess were organised by sports committee and their volunteers.

Kurukshetra the sports meet was inaugurated at the hands Hon. Dean Dr Kajal Mitra

Arts exhibition was organised on 25th of February 2019.

They say art is way of expressions of innovation and creativity. Every year our team comes up with various competitions and a theme for exhibition venue giving a social message. This year there were 13 different art expression categories and the theme was based on global issue of saving ocean. Volunteers and the team leaders made sure that the ambience looked real and perfect. Students wore blue coloured dresses to represent ocean and decorated the venue with beautiful art works. The exhibition gave an colourful vision to for every visitor there.

The college witnessed an amazing fashion show Fashionexus at Josh 2019.

It was the culmination of tremendous efforts and creative skills of organising committee students and participants who made the night a success. It included ethnic, walk of fame, garrage roumd, western round, and PG, teachers round.

In these every round was a surprise. All students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the event.

26th January was totally devoted to music. In the first half we had Saaz the antakshari competition which is the most anticipated event by our college teachers, where everyone gets to bring out the hidden singer within them. There were seven teams of teachers.

In the evening we had Gunj- the musical night, where the students and the teachers of our campus mesmerised the audience by rendering melodious songs from all the eras. We had three categories – Solo, Duet and Group.

This year SWA 2018-19 came up with a very new event named Kalarang.

They say drama is a creative and live presentation of expressions and conversion of reality into reel with skills. We organised a drama competition under the guidance of our teachers. We had solo, duet and group categories.

Students took tremendous efforts and showed up with amazing acting skills. It was a new and successful event.

The second half of the day was a wonderful part with fun and laughter. Mr. Shreyash Manohar who is a standup comedian was invited by the SWA for a standup show. Mr. Jatin also accompanied him.

Students enjoyed the show. It was followed by DJ action, The DJ Night because they say dancing is the way to express happiness.

Dances are performed for every possible occasion. We planned to end this years annual gathering with a blast. XUBERANCE, The Cultural Night was full of energy and vitality. Not just students but also teachers and PGs showed their dancing skills

The musical prog started with teachers’ Antakshari in the afternnon and ended with melodiusperformances in the orchestra both by students and teachers.

Sets an example for the medical fraternity that they are talented in an array of the fields. It showcases the literary talents of the students and the teachers of our institutes.

The magazine consists of interviews with some knowledgeable personalities and artwork, articles, poems by students. The magazine was released in hardcopies and is also made availabe in soft copy pdf format.

A workshop was organised by MUHS for undergraduate students at MUHS Nashik. Mr. Pushkar Bhai and Ms. Aditi Modak represented NKPSIMS and RC at this event. Specialist and Doctors all over India addressed and motivated the students.

The SWA of NKP Salve Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre held a graduation ceremony on 23rd August 2019 for MBBS student of 2014 batch 144 students proudly received their certificates in the presence of their parents, friends, teacher and head of departments and dignitaries.

The chief guest of this function was Dr.Rajiv Borl , V.C DMIMS , Sawangi. The presiding officer of the ceremony was Shri .Ranjeet babu Deshmukh and Guest of honour was Dr.Subhash Deshmukh .

The ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr.Yuvraj Chalkhor Secretary VSPM,AHE and Mr. Natrajan , Joint secretary VSPM,AHE. The dignitaries gave away awards to the outstanding students of the batch for academics. Vice Dean Dr. Vilas Thombare gave away the certificates following which students took the Hippocratic oath.

The winners of academic awards were Dr.Simran Tuli , Dr. Pawani Garikapati, Dr.Rutwik Khandeshe And winners of all rounder performances were awarded they are : Dr. Devashree Nikose, Dr.Rishabh Grover, Dr.Mehdi Parekh and Dr.Anubhav Dubey