Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology , NKPSIMS & RC and LMH had organized
a live operative hysterolaproscopy workshop “ “LAPAROCON 2 ‘’ on 28 th
September 2024. Workshop was inaugurated by Respected Dean Dr Sajal Mitra
Sir, MS Clinical side Dr. Nitin Deosthale HOD OBGY Dr. Anuja Bhalerao, Guest
Faculty Dr. Amol Rakhade, Organising Chairperson Dr. Nikita Vijay and Secretary
Dr. Bhavna Kumare & Dr. Rohini Bhoyar. Advanced gynecological cases were
operated in the workshop. Around 60 delegates attended the workshop. The
event was a huge success. Faculty members and Residents worked hard for the
success of this workshop.
Prof & HOD
Dept. of OBGY